2015年3月29日 星期日



Question1: What are new strategies, skills, and abilities needed to interact with text on the Internet?
Our conclusion is that it is important to have the ability to type in English quickly so one can chat with others on the net. But for people who can't type quickly they may also use Skype and just talk directly. And we can use videos and images to accompany with our spoken English so that people can understand easier.

Question2: How can reading processes be supported by new and varied forms of moblie technology?
We think that new mobile technology like Ipod enables us to save thousands of hundreds of electronic books in it instead of bring a lot of heavy books at the same time. We can just bring an Ipod. And there are lots of apps for Ebooks. Some of them can read out the text for you so you don’t have to look at the text and you can just listen to it. Also some mobile technology can translate the foreign text into Chinese so we can read other countries’ websites’ information as well. Last but least, thanks to mobile technology, readers don’t have to wear glasses because they can just use fingers to enlarge the words.


